Describe a modern building – Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2, 3

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GV. Đinh Huỳnh Quế Dung - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Hôm nay, IELTS Vietop giới thiệu bài mẫu câu trả lời IELTS Speaking part 2, 3: Describe a modern building. Đề bài này thuộc dạng yêu cầu thí sinh mô tả một công trình xây dựng, các bạn nên chú ý sử dụng những từ vựng, cấu trúc phù hợp cũng như canh chuẩn thời gian khi nói để không bị quá dài dòng nhé!

Đề bài Describe a modern building

Trước hết, bạn có thể gặp đề bài xoay quanh việc tả lại một công trình xây dựng hiện đại như sau:

Đề bài Describe a modern building
Đề bài Describe a modern building
Describe a modern building. You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for
and explain why you like/dislike it.

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Nhận tư vấn miễn phí khóa học hè

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Từ vựng Describe a modern building

Dưới đây là một số từ vựng hữu ích mà bạn có thể sử dụng trong phần IELTS Speaking part 2, 3: Describe a modern building.

Architecture – noun (Kiến trúc): the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and structures.

E.g.: The architecture of this building is truly remarkable.

Aesthetic – adj (Thẩm mỹ): relating to beauty or the appreciation of beauty.

E.g.: The aesthetic appeal of this building is undeniable.

Balcony (Ban công): a platform projecting from the wall of a building, typically enclosed by a railing or balustrade.

E.g.: The balcony on the top floor provides a stunning view of the city.

Cladding – noun (Vật liệu bọc): the material used to cover the external surface of a building.

E.g.: The cladding on this building is made of durable metal.

Concrete – noun (Bê tông): a building material made from a mixture of cement, water, and aggregates such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone.

E.g.: The building’s foundation is made of reinforced concrete.

Contemporary (Đương đại): relating to the present time or current trends.

E.g.: This building has a sleek and contemporary design.

Design (Thiết kế): the process of planning and creating something, such as a building, product, or system.

E.g.: The design of this building is both functional and visually appealing.

Elevation – noun (Mặt bằng): the vertical distance of a point or object above a reference level, such as sea level or ground level.

E.g.: The elevation of this building is impressive, towering over the surrounding buildings.

Façade – noun (Mặt tiền): the front or face of a building, typically an imposing or decorative one.

E.g.: The façade of this building is decorated with intricate carvings and ornate details.

Floor plan – noun (Bản vẽ): a diagram of a building’s layout, showing the arrangement of rooms and other features.

E.g.: The floor plan of this building is well-suited to its intended purpose.

Glass – noun (Kính): a transparent material used for windows, doors, and other building features.

E.g.: The building’s exterior is covered in sleek, modern glass panels.

Height – noun (Chiều cao): the measurement of how tall something is.

E.g.: The height of this building is truly impressive.

Iconic – adj (Biểu tượng): widely recognized and admired, often due to its unique design or historical significance.

E.g.: This building is an iconic landmark in the city.

Interior – noun (Nội thất): the inside of a building, including its furnishings and decorations.

E.g.: The interior of this building is spacious and well-designed.

Lighting – noun (Ánh sáng): the use of light to illuminate a space or highlight certain features.

E.g.: The lighting in this building is carefully designed to create a welcoming atmosphere.

Materials – noun (Vật liệu): the substances or components used to construct or decorate a building.

E.g.: The building’s materials were carefully selected for their durability and aesthetic appeal.

Modern – adj (Hiện đại): relating to the present or recent times, especially in terms of design and technology.

E.g.: This building has a modern design that is both functional and visually striking.

Perspective – noun (Khía cạnh): a particular point of view or way of looking at something.

E.g.: From this perspective, the building’s unique design features really stand out.

Roof – noun (Mái nhà): the uppermost part of a building that covers and protects the interior from the elements.

E.g.: The building’s roof is designed to be both functional and visually striking.

Scale – noun (Tỷ lệ): the size or proportion of something in relation to other things.

E.g.: The scale of this building is truly impressive, towering over the surrounding structures.

Shape – noun (Hình dạng): the form or outline of something, especially a building or structure.

E.g.: The building’s unique shape sets it apart from other structures in the area.

Sleek (Mượt mà): smooth and streamlined in appearance or design.

E.g.: This building has a sleek and modern design that is both functional and visually striking.

Space – noun (Không gian): the area or volume within a building, often used to describe the arrangement of rooms and other features.

E.g.: The building’s interior space is well-designed and functional.

Structure – noun (Cấu trúc): the arrangement and organization of parts within a building or other object.

E.g.: The building’s structure is designed to be both strong and visually appealing.

Sustainability – noun (Bền vững): the ability to maintain or support something over time without depleting resources or causing harm to the environment.

E.g.: This building was designed with sustainability in mind, using renewable materials and energy-efficient features.

Technology – noun (Công nghệ): the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry or engineering.

E.g.: This building incorporates the latest technology to improve efficiency and functionality.

Texture – noun (Độ sần): the surface quality of a material, often described in terms of roughness or smoothness.

E.g.: The building’s exterior has a unique texture that sets it apart from other structures in the area.

Urban – adj (Thành thị): relating to cities or densely populated areas.

E.g.: This building is a prime example of urban architecture, blending functionality with aesthetic appeal.

View – noun (Cảnh quan): the sight or prospect of a particular place or thing, often used to describe the scenery visible from a building.

E.g.: The view from this building’s rooftop is truly breathtaking.

Windows – noun (Cửa sổ): openings in a building’s walls that allow light and air to enter, often covered with glass panes.

E.g.: The building’s windows provide ample natural light and a stunning view of the city.

Ngoài ra, bạn có thể tham khảo thêm các bài mẫu và từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề miêu tả con người do Vietop tổng hợp dưới đây:

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a modern building

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a modern building
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 2 Describe a modern building

Gợi ý dàn bài Describe a modern building

Mở bài – giới thiệu bối cảnh

Ở phần mở đầu, bạn có thể giới thiệu sơ qua về công trình, tòa nhà sẽ tả lại. Chú ý tránh việc “mở bài” dài dòng như trong văn viết vì ta chỉ có khoảng 2 phút để nói trong IELTS Speaking Part 2 mà thôi.

Thân bài – mô tả

Mô tả, kể lại câu chuyện theo hướng dẫn của phần “you should say”:

  • Đó là công trình hay tòa nhà nào?
  • Nó trông như thế nào?
  • Mục đích của nó để làm gì?
  • Bạn thích hay không thích nó và tại sao?

Kết bài – tóm lược lại

Với phần kết thúc, hãy tóm lược lại mọi thứ trong 1, 2 câu ngắn ngọn. Bạn có thể bỏ qua phần này nếu không đủ thời gian. Nhưng hãy chú ý truyền tải toàn bộ câu chuyện đầy đủ theo yêu cầu đề bài.

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 2 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

Bài mẫu Describe a modern building

One of the most impressive modern buildings in Ho Chi Minh City is Landmark 81, located in the new urban area of Binh Thanh District. This iconic skyscraper is the tallest building in Vietnam and one of the tallest in Southeast Asia.

Landmark 81 has a unique and elegant design, inspired by the shape of bamboo, a traditional symbol of Vietnamese culture. The exterior is covered in glass and steel, giving it a modern and futuristic appearance. The tower has 81 floors, including a shopping centre, offices, apartments, and a hotel. The observation deck offers breathtaking panoramic views of Ho Chi Minh City and the surrounding areas.

This magnificent building is primarily used for commercial and residential purposes, attracting visitors from all over the world with its impressive height and stunning architecture. It has become a landmark of Ho Chi Minh City, representing the city’s rapid growth and modernization.

Personally, I like Landmark 81 because of its special design and impressive height. The tower adds to the city’s vibrant skyline, making it a true symbol of Vietnam’s economic and technological progress. Additionally, the tower’s observation deck shows stunning views of the city, providing a memorable experience for visitors. However, some people may dislike Landmark 81 for its impact on the environment and the city’s traditional neighbourhoods. The tower’s massive size and modern design may not fit in with the surrounding areas, causing concerns about urban development and cultural preservation.

  • Iconic (adj) – Biểu tượng
  • Skyscraper (n) – Tòa nhà chọc trời
  • Unique (adj) – Độc đáo
  • Futuristic (adj) – Tương lai hóa
  • Breathtaking (adj) – Ngoạn mục
  • Panoramic (adj) – Toàn cảnh
  • Rapid (adj) – Nhanh chóng
  • Modernization (n) – Hiện đại hóa
  • Vibrant (adj) – Sôi động
  • Progress (n) – Tiến bộ
  • Memorable (adj) – Đáng nhớ
  • Impact (n) – Tác động
  • Environment (n) – Môi trường
  • Traditional (adj) – Truyền thống
  • Concern (n) – Sự lo ngại
  • Development (n) – Phát triển
  • Preservation (n) – Bảo tồn

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3: Describe a modern building

Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Describe a modern building
Bài mẫu IELTS Speaking Part 3 Describe a modern building

Mời bạn cùng nghe Podcast bài mẫu Part 3 của IELTS Vietop nhé:

How have buildings changed in the past few years?

Well, I think buildings have undergone significant changes in terms of design, materials, and functionality. There’s been a growing emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-friendly buildings, with features such as energy-efficient lighting, rainwater harvesting systems, and green roofs becoming more common. Additionally, modern buildings are often designed to incorporate natural elements, like sunlight and fresh air, to create a healthier and more comfortable environment for occupants. The use of smart technology, such as automated lighting and climate control systems, has also become more prevalent in modern buildings.

  • Emphasis (n) – Nhấn mạnh
  • Environmentally-friendly (adj) – Thân thiện với môi trường
  • Energy-efficient (adj) – Tiết kiệm năng lượng
  • Green roofs (n) – Mái vườn
  • Natural elements (n) – Yếu tố tự nhiên
  • Smart technology (n) – Công nghệ thông minh
  • Automated (adj) – Tự động
  • Climate control (n) – Điều khiển khí hậu
  • Prevalent (adj) – Phổ biến

Xem thêm bài mẫu Speaking:

Do you think the appearance of a building is important?

Yes, I believe that the appearance is essential. A building’s appearance can have a significant impact on its surroundings and the people who interact with it. A well-designed building can enhance the beauty of its environment and become a landmark or a symbol of a city or a country. Moreover, a building’s appearance can affect people’s mood, productivity, and overall well-being. For instance, a visually pleasing building with natural light and greenery can create a more comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for its occupants.

  • Appearance (n) – Bề ngoài
  • Impact (n) – Tác động
  • Surroundings (n) – Môi trường xung quanh
  • Well-designed (adj) – Thiết kế tốt
  • Landmark (n) – Địa danh nổi tiếng
  • Symbol (n) – Biểu tượng
  • Mood (n) – Tâm trạng
  • Productivity (n) – Năng suất
  • Well-being (n) – Sức khỏe tinh thần
  • Visually pleasing (adj) – Gây ấn tượng ưa nhìn

What is the most important for a public building: design, location, or facilities?

I would argue that all three factors – design, location, and facilities – are important for a public building, but the most important factor may depend on the specific purpose of the building. For instance, a museum may prioritize design to create a visually stunning and engaging experience for visitors, while a hospital may prioritize facilities to provide the best possible care for patients. However, location is also crucial for a public building, as it can impact accessibility, convenience, and safety for users.

  • Specific (adj) – Cụ thể
  • Purpose (n) – Mục đích
  • Museum (n) – Bảo tàng
  • Prioritize (v) – Ưu tiên
  • Visually stunning (adj) – Đẹp mắt
  • Engaging (adj) – Lôi cuốn
  • Accessibility (n) – Tiếp cận
  • Convenience (n) – Tiện nghi
  • Safety (n) – An toàn

Trên đây là bài mẫu IELTS Speaking part 2, 3: Describe a modern building, hy vọng bài viết sẽ là nguồn tham khảo tốt cho các bạn trong việc học và chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi IELTS. Chúc các bạn học tốt!

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