Bài mẫu topic Finding and Losing things – IELTS Speaking part 1

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GV. Đinh Huỳnh Quế Dung - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Topic Finding and Losing things có thể được xem là tương đối gần gũi với phần lớn người học. Tuy nhiên Vietop cũng sẽ cung cấp thêm cho các bạn một số thành ngữ, từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề này để giúp các bạn có thể hoàn thiện hơn phần Speaking của mình nhé!

1. Từ vựng topic Finding and Losing things

Từ vựngNghĩaVí dụ minh họa
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Have a lump in one’s throatcảm giác nghẹn ngào, muốn khócYannis had a lump in his throat when he said goodbye to his son.
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Down in the dumpsbuồn chánJoseph has been down in the dumps since his girlfriend left him.
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The salt of the earthngười tốt bụng, trung thực và khiêm tốnHassan is the salt of the earth. I saw him help an old lady cross the road.
Rightful ownerchính chủDon’t forget that I am the rightful owner of this house.
Calm oneself downbình tĩnh lạiShe sat down and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
Vividlymột cách chi tiếtResearch suggested that people can vividly recall events that never happened.
Priceyđắt đỏThe homes we looked at were either too pricey or not worth the work it would take to fix them up.
Horriblekinh khủngThere was a horrible smell outside the factory.

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2. Câu hỏi và cách trả lời topic Finding and Losing things

Bài mẫu Topic Finding and Losing things - IELTS Speaking part 1
Bài mẫu Topic Finding and Losing things – IELTS Speaking part 1

Mời mọi người nghe Audio topic Finding and Losing things tại đây nhé!

2.1. How often do you lose something?

Honestly, I’m the kind of person who have a memory like a sieve, so I often lost a lot of things when I was young. But now, I always pay more attention to what I am doing and do it slowly and carefully in order to remember everything deeper. So, now, I can proudly say that I do not lose things very often as I used to.

2.2. Who can help you find lost items?

That would be me. Ya know, when I realised that I had lost something, I was on edge and had a lump in my throat. At that time, I tried to calm myself down and tried to remember everything vividly and correctly. Through that, my memories came flooding back and I can help myself find the lost items.

2.3. Did you lose anything important before?

I think the most crucial item that I used to lost was my wallet. About 5 years ago when my family and I going to a shopping mall, I lost my wallet, at that time, I was down in the dumps. However, I tried to tell a white lie to my parents in order not to make them upset. Only when I found my wallet in a restroom, I told my parent the truth.

2.4. Have you found anything valuable before?

Honestly no. But I think that as the salt of the earth when I find something pricey, I will return it to the rightful owner. Because I’ve already lost many pricey things before, so I can understand the feelings of losing things. Those are horrible and uncomfortable feelings and I really don’t want other people to experience them like me.

2.5. If you lost your phone what could you do?

At first, I will keep calm. That is the most important thing, ya know, we can’t do everything correctly and wisely in anxiety. Then I will contact the bank to block all the internet backing services on my phone because I’ve already lost the phone and I don’t want to lose more money. Finally, I will enter “find my phone” application to locate where my phone is and call the police officers if it’s necessary.

2.6. What kinds of lost things have you found in a public place?

Certainly, in public places, I have come across various lost items over time. These include belongings like wallets, mobile phones, keys, umbrellas, and even pieces of jewelry such as rings or earrings.

Additionally, I’ve encountered misplaced bags, books, and occasionally important documents like IDs or cards. Finding these lost items often led me to try and locate their rightful owners or hand them over to the appropriate authorities to ensure they’re returned to the individuals who lost them.

Cùng Vietop luyện topic Finding and Losing things nhé!

Bài viết trên là tổng hợp một số từ vựng cũng như là câu hỏi và cách trả lời Topic Finding and Losing things. Mong rằng từ những kiến thức trên sẽ giúp bạn hoàn thành bài thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 một cách tốt nhất.

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Đặt ngay lịch với cố vấn học tập, để được giải thích & học sâu hơn về kiến thức này.

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