Bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 2, 3

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GV. Đinh Huỳnh Quế Dung - IELTS 8.5 Overall

GV tại IELTS Vietop.

Chủ đề hôm nay IELTS Vietop muốn chia sẻ đến các sĩ tử đó chính là bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 2, IELTS Speaking part 3. Cùng theo dõi ngay nhé!

1. Bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 2

Bài mẫu topic Success - IELTS Speaking part 2, 3
Bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 2, 3

Đề bài

Describe a time when you tried to do something but was not very successful

You should say:  

  • When it was  what you tried  
  • Why it was not very successful 
  • And how you felt about it 


I’m going to talk about the time I unsuccessfully tried to draw a portrait of my girlfriend to give her on Valentine’s Day. I’d never got a knack for drawing but my girlfriend was into arts and drawing. That’s why I decided to surprise her by drawing a photo that she had taken before.

In the beginning, I searched on Youtube for drawing tutorials and tips. However, the ones for beginners were too simplistic for my purpose. They only showed how to draw basic shapes but I wanted to draw a fully fledged portrait. Then I thought it would be easier to print the picture out, put a thin drawing paper on top and trace the contours of the photo underneath.

Turned out, I didn’t have a steady hand and the lines were badly drawn so I had to scrap that plan. Then it was near Valentine’s day and I began to panic. Eventually, I settled for a freestyle drawing of my girlfriend. When I finished it didn’t look nice but I put it in an envelope anyway hoping that my girlfriend could see humour in it.

When she opened my gift, she burst out laughing and so did I. I wasn’t proud of my art but I was satisfied with my effort. Luckily, my friend thought it was a cute gesture though she made me register for a painting course for beginners afterward.


  • Portrait (n): bức chân dung
  • To have/get a knack for : có tài
  • To scrap (v): từ bỏ (nghĩa bóng)
  • Contour (n): đường viền, đường nét
  • Panic (adj): lo lắng
  • To burst out laughing : phá lên cười
  • Gesture (n): hành động, cử chỉ

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2. Bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 3

Bài mẫu topic Success - IELTS Speaking part 3
Bài mẫu topic Success – IELTS Speaking part 3

2.1. What’s your definition of success? 

My version of the meaning of success is that today I should be better than I was yesterday. And it could be measured in many aspects like skills, relationship with others, how I treat strangers. I tend not to juxtapose myself and others since there will always be someone who is better than me at something. That thought drags me down! Instead, I try to better myself. With that, I don’t get a  bruised ego!

  • To juxtapose (v): đối chiếu/so sánh
  • To drag someone’s down: làm ai đó buồn rầu
  • Bruised ego (adj + n): cái tôi bị tổn thương

2.2. Which do you think is more important for people to become successful? Hard work or opportunities?

I think they go hand in hand. What good are opportunities if you don’t have the skills and experience from training and hard work. You always have to hone your skills,be prepared. So when a chance comes, you take it and make the best of it. 

  • To go hand in hand: thường đi cùng với nhau

Xem thêm: IELTS Online – Học trực tuyến cùng chuyên gia IELTS 8.5

2.3. Do you think people will be happy if they don’t have any goals to achieve?

Well, being content while being lackluster is not a good combination. I’d say these people are in limbo, they’re neither happy nor are they in despair. However, a life like that to me is uninspiring and kind of a waste of time. A person should have targets and objectives, no matter how small they are. Having motivation is how people can lead a meaningful life.

  • Content (adj): an phận
  • Lackluster (adj): thiếu nhiệt huyết
  • Limbo (n): trạng thái lấp lửng
  • To lead a meaningful life: sống cuộc sống có ý nghĩa

2.4. How would you define success?

In my view, success revolves around surmounting challenges and striving for personal growth. Life’s journeys are rarely straightforward; they’re often fraught with obstacles. Remarkable success stems from embracing change, exhibiting resilience, and nurturing a positive mindset throughout the journey.

  • Surmounting: vượt qua

2.5. What factors lead to success?

I believe that perseverance plays a pivotal role in achieving success. The capacity to handle pressure becomes crucial when we face life’s challenges. Rather than giving up, it’s vital to persist in our efforts, considering these difficulties as chances to expand our knowledge and evolve.

  • Pivotal: then chốt
  • Capacity: dung tích

2.6. What kind of success can students achieve at schools?

I believe students can consider themselves successful when they effectively manage their time. Through proficient time management, students can harmonize their academic responsibilities with their personal lives. By allocating time for both studies and leisure activities, they create a balanced approach that often leads to improved academic performance.

  • Harmonize: hòa hợp
  • Approach: tiếp cận

Hy vọng 2 bài mẫu topic Success trên sẽ giúp ích được bạn trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS. Nếu như có thắc mắc gì về bài viết trên hãy để lại bình luận bên dưới để được giải đáp nhé. Chúc bạn có kết quả thi thật tốt! Và đừng quên ghé thăm chuyên mục tự học IELTS Speaking để luyện tập mỗi ngày nhé!

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