Tổng hợp các bài tập so sánh kép từ cơ bản đến nâng cao

So sánh kép là dạng so sánh dùng để miêu tả sự càng ngày càng phát triển về số lượng, chất lượng. Ngoài các dạng như so sánh hơn, so sánh hơn nhất thì so sánh kép cũng rất hay xuất hiện trong các bài thi. Hôm nay, Luyện thi IELTS Vietop giới thiệu tới bạn bài tập so sánh kép, hãy đọc bài viết dưới đây nhé.

Bài tập so sánh kép từ cơ bản đến nâng cao

Bài 1: Chọn đáp án đúng nhất

1._______ she works, _______ she achieves.

A. The harder/the less. The more/the more

C. The hardest/the most D. The more hard/the more lot

2. My younger brother is ________________.

A. more and more naughty       B. much and much naughty

C. most and most naughty        D. naughtier and naughtier

3. Hill is becoming ________________.

A. more and more tall               B. taller and taller

C. tall and tall                             D. much and much tall

4. _____________ the test is,_____________her score is.

A. harder/lower                          B. The harder/the lower

C. hard/low                                 D. The more hard/the more low

5. _____________ my father is,____________ I feel.

A. angrier/worse                         B. The more angrier/the more worse

C. angry/bad                               D. The angrier/the worse

6. _____________ she thinks of, ____________ she makes.

A. idea/post                                          B. ideas/posts

C. The more ideas/the moreposts        D. The ideas/the posts

7. ____________ babies cry, _______________ my aunt feeds them.

A. The harder/the more quickly              B. hard/quickly

C. The more harder/the more quickly     D. harder/quicklier

8. Many students think that ______ they graduate from university, ____ chance they have to find a good job.

A. Thesooner/the better                         B. soon/good

C. The soon/the good                             D. The more soon/the more good

9. Women’s employment rate is getting ____________.

A. high and high                                     B. higher and the highest

C. high and higher                                  D. higher and higher

10. _____________ the test is, _______________ it is to succeeD.

A. The more difficult/the sweeter            B. difficult/sweet

C. more difficult/sweeter                         D. The more difficult/the more sweeter

Bài 2: Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa không đổi

1. If I eat a lot of rice, I will gain weight.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

Tung spends a lot of money and time with his girlfriend, he becomes happy.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

2. The joke is talented. The laughter is loud.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

3. She goes to bed late. She feels tired.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

4. As her father gets older, he wants to travel less.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

5. As this road gets busy, it becomes dangerous.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

6. They are young, they learn easily.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

7. The hotel is cheap, the services are bad.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

8. He uses much electricity, his bill will be high.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

9. When technology is modern, the world’s environment becomes worse and worse.

➔ __________________________________________________________.

Bài 3: Điền dạng đúng của các từ trong ngoặc.

  1. My son is getting  __________________. (high)
  2. Bob is getting ____________________. (fat)
  3. Jim’s situation became _____________. (difficult)
  4. __________ my grandparents get, _____________ they are. (old – happy)
  5. __________ it is, ___________ Hoa is. (hot – weak)
  6. The company expanded rapidly. It grew ______________ all the period. (big)
  7. Life got _______________ for Viet as the company became _________________. (good – successful)
  8. ____________ we eat, _____________ we get. (many – fat)
  9. As Microsoft grew, Bill Gates got _________________. (rich)
  10. Her job gets _________________ every year. (hard)

Bài 4: Hoàn thành câu với cấu trúc so sánh kép.

  • 1)   He gets ………………. (boring). I can’t listen to him any longer.
  • 2)   I didn’t like this book at first, but it’s getting ……………….(interesting).
  • 3)   My daughter’s English results are getting ………………. (bad).
  • 4)   The boss will be angry with you. You arrive ………………. (late) at work.
  • 5)   In spring the weather gets ………………. (warm).
  • 6)   It’s time you tidied your room. It’s getting ………………. (messy).
  • 7)   Food is getting ………………. (expensive).
  • 8)   I think TV programs are getting ………………. (violent).
  • 9)   I find it ………………. (difficult) to see him.
  • 10)   She’s getting over her operation. She feels ………………. (good).

Bài 5: Hoàn thành câu với cấu trúc so sánh kép sử dụng tính từ hoặc trạng từ cho trước

better            loud           hot               probable                    small            better           more
rich                big            less                happy               merry            late            safe            fast               cheap            more            hard
  1. The ……………… you study for these exams, the ……………… you will do.
  2. She doesn’t really like vodka, so the ……………… a bottle you find, the ……………… it will be for us.
  3. My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that the ……………… it is at night, the ……………… he plays his music!
  4. He spent a year in India and loves spicy food. The ……………… the food is, the ……………… he likes it.
  5. Of course you can come to the party. The ……………… the ……………… .
  6. She will be really angry about that vase being broken! The ……………… she knows about it, the ……………… .
  7. He has 6 large dogs to protect his house. The ……………… the dog, the ……………… he feels.
  8. Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most. The ……………… he becomes, the ……………… he is.
  9. You must drive slower in built up areas. The ……………… you drive in the city, the ……………… it is that you will have an accident.

Đáp án

Bài 1:

  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. A

Bài 2:

  1. The more I eat rice, the heavier I am.
  2. The more money and time Tung spends with his girlfriend, the happier he becomes.
  3. The more talented the joke is, the louder the laughter is.
  4. The later she goes to bed, the more tired she feels.
  5. The older her father gets, the less he want to travel.
  6. The busier this road gets, the more dangerous it becomes.
  7. The younger they are, the more easily they learn.
  8. The cheaper the hotel is, the worse the services are.
  9. The more electricity he uses, the higher his bill will be.
  10. The more modern technology is, the worse the world’s environment becomes.

Bài 3:

  1. higher and higher
  2. fatter and fatter
  3. more and more difficult
  4. The older – the happier
  5. The less hot – the less weak
  6. bigger and bigger
  7. better and better – more and more successful
  8. The more – the fatter
  9. richer and richer
  10. harder and harder

Bài 4:

  1. more and more boring
  2. more and more interesting
  3. worse and worse
  4. later and later
  5. warmer and warmer
  6. messier and messier
  7. more and more expensive
  8. more and more violent
  9. more and more difficult
  10. better and better

Bài 5:

  1. harder / better
  2. smaller / cheaper
  3. later / louder
  4. hotter / more
  5. more / merrier
  6. less / better
  7. bigger / safer
  8. richer / happier
  9. faster / more profitable

Hy vọng những bài tập so sánh kép trên đây đã giúp bạn có thêm kiến thức bổ ích giúp nâng cao và củng cố ngữ pháp. Vietop chúc bạn thành công.

Bạn còn thắc mắc về kiến thức này?

Đặt ngay lịch với cố vấn học tập, để được giải thích & học sâu hơn về kiến thức này.

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