15 từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics

IELTS Vietop IELTS Vietop

Trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 2, mô tả người là chủ đề khá phổ biển, sau đây các bạn hãy cùng Vietop khám phá các từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics mô tả tính cách để nâng band điểm nhé.

15 từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics

15 từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics
15 từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics

1. Strict (adj): nghiêm khắc

My teacher was strict about things like homework.

My parents are very strict with their children.

2. Persistent (adj): bền bỉ, dai dẳng

I am very persistent when I want something.

You cannot succeed if you give up too soon. In other words, being persistent is a must.

3. Feminine (adj): nữ tính

That smile makes you look very feminine.

Women played a traditional femine role in VN in the past.

4. Extrovert (adj): hướng ngoại

He’s pretty extrovert when he’s working.

My father is an extrovert person.

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5. Introvert (adj): hướng nội

I am described as an introvert who speak little.

Being introvert doesn’t mean that you will not achieve success at work.

6. Talkative (adj): nói nhiều

My younger sister annoys me with her talkative trait.

I don’t like spending the whole evening talking with her. She’s very noisy and talkative.

7. Sociable (adj): hoà đồng, thích gần gũi mọi người

I am not feeling very sociable this evening.

She’s a sociable child who’ll talk to anyone.

8. Thoughful (adj): ân cần, chu đáo

It was very thoughful of you to send me these flowers.

My mother is very thoughtful, but sometimes I think she worries too much about unnessary things.

9. Kind (adj): tốt bụng

She is very kind because she is willing to give support to those who are in trouble.

You’ve been very kind.

10. Aggressive (adj): hung hăng

I don’t like agressive people. I love those who are relaxed and calm.

Agressive attitudes can kill you sooner or later.

11. Ambitious (adj): tham vọng

As a man, you need to be ambitious and persistent to achieve success.

They are very ambitious for their children. (They wanted them to be successful)

12. Gentle (adj): dịu dàng

My type is quiet and gentle men. They look so cool when they are in a relaxed and calm manner.

Her voice is very gentle, it melts my heart.

13. Artistic (adj): nghệ sĩ

She comes from a very artistic family.

My friend is always proud of her artistic abilities.

14. Bad-tempered (adj): nóng tính

She gets very bad-tempered when she’s tired.

Don’t married a man who is bad-tempered. It will ruin your whole life.

15. Charismatic (adj): đức tính gây được lòng tin

My husband is a charismatic leader in his workplace. That’s why he’s very successful in his career.

To become a president, you need to be highly charismatic person first.

Hy vọng với chủ đề từ vựng chủ đề Personality Characteristics trên đây sẽ giúp ích cho bạn trong quá trình luyện thi IELTS, IELTS Vietop chúc các bạn ôn luyện IELTS đạt được kết quả cao. Nếu có thắc mắc gì bạn có thể để lại bình luận dưới đây nhé

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